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Below are some facts about the most common and dangerous sexually transmitted diseases that many men do not know about or consider before engaging in sexual activity. All of which, can be prevented with the proper precautions. For more information, click the name of a specific STD listed below to visit the CDC STD Fact Sheet.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

  • HPV is a common virus that more than half of men will have
  • HPV is passed through genital contact
  • There are 40 types of HPV
  • Some HPV types cause genital warts
  • Some HPV types lead to anal or penile cancer in men
  • Some HPV types lead to head and neck cancer in men
  • The body's immune system generally fights off the virus with minimal complications
  • The virus can be present in the body with no symptoms
  • There is no vaccine currently approved for men
  • For men, there are no tests to determine HPV infection


  • Herpes is a common virus that infect 1 of every 6 men
  • Herpes can be present in the body for long periods of time without showing symptoms
  • Most men are unaware they have herpes
  • Herpes causes sores, ulcer, and blisters that are very painful on the male genitalia
  • Herpes can be passed from male to female without sores being present
  • There is NO CURE for herpes
  • Herpes can cause fatal conditions if passed to newborns


  • Syphilis is caused by a bacteria
  • Syphilis can be cured easily with antibiotics if treated early
  • Late stages of syphilis infection can damage the internal organs including the brain, liver, and heart
  • Late stages, if untreated, can cause paralysis and even death
  • Men who have sex with other men are at a greater risk of syphilis infection
  • Syphilis can cause fatal conditions to a newborn

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

  • HIV is a virus that leads to the development of AIDS
  • AIDS is a fatal disease with no cure
  • There is no cure for HIV
  • HIV can be treated through the use of antiretroviral drugs taken daily
  • HIV can be present in the body for 10 years or more without showing symptoms
  • Symptoms can be mistaken for the common cold or flu virus
  • HIV and AIDS destroys the cells of the immune system making the body more susceptible to infectious diseases
  • Men who have sex with other men are at a greater risk of HIV infection
  • HIV/AIDS is contracted through unprotected sex, needle sharing during drug use, and blood transfusions with HIV positive blood

For more information on these and other STDs, please check out the fact sheet on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website by clicking here