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Statistically, men DO NOT take as many precautions as women when it comes to sex. Furthermore, men do not get screened for STDs as much as women do. This is a major issue that must be changed. 

Currently, men are not even advised to get tested unless common STD symptoms are present. For some STDs, by the time symptoms become present, treatment may be more difficult or impossible. This is mainly because men are afraid of getting tested or feel that they have not been exposed. However, listed below are some of the major reasons men should seek STD screening options.

  • Many STDs are present in the body for long periods of time before symptoms occur
  • Catching HIV early can prevent the development of AIDS, a fatal disease that attacks the immune system. Patients are put on antiretroviral drugs taken daily that keep the immune system healthy, allowing the individual to live a full life AIDS-free
  • Also, catching HIV early can prevent the spread of the disease to unborn children. This means that HIV-positive individuals still have the option of having healthy biological children
  • Other STDs, if caught early enough, can be cured with proper treatment and medication which will prevent more serious complications
  • STD screening is the only sure way to determine exposure to an STD. Symptoms cannot give a 100% accurate diagnosis
  • STD screening is inexpensive and anonymous
  • STD screening can save your life